Monday, January 5, 2015

Winter Storm "Gorgon" - What to Expect

A disturbance in the jet stream will be what drives a weak clipper system, otherwise known as winter storm Gorgon, across the US Monday and Tuesday.

On Monday snow will be in the Rocky Mountain region, where snowfall totals in a few spot could exceed 2 feet. Windy conditions will reduce visibility and below zero wind chills could create very dangerous situations in some cases. As the storm progresses eastward it will lose some of it strength, reducing snowfall amounts and wind gusts.

By Monday night, the weakened clipper system will move into the Great Lakes regions and parts of the Ohio Valley, where snowfall totals will tapper off slightly. Snowfall totals in Illinois, Indiana, and Western/Central Ohio should be around 3-5 inches. By late Monday night the storm will reach West Virginia and Western Pennsylvania. In these regions due to the storm losing it's strength, the snowfall will be light with snowfall totals around 1-3 inches in most places.

Gorgon will move into the Northeast Tuesday, slightly affecting the morning commute for Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. where a dusting will be seen. As the day progresses most areas affected by the storm will see snowfall amounts of about 1-3 inches. North-central PA and South-central NY will see around an inch or less. By Tuesday night, Gorgon will move out to sea, but areas prone to Lake Effect Snow will see some additional snowfall after the clipper system moves off the coast.

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