Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Much Excitement!

Wow. Since that last post so much has happened. Our trip literally exploded at the end. I'm going to have to split the last 2 days of our trip into 2 or 3 different post to give you an accurate representation of what happened.

Where do I begin? Ah, yes! After the pitstop at the random gas station we stopped at a Dairy Queen somewhere along the way just to talk about what we wanted to do. Now at this point, I think we were all starting to get a little discouraged, we talked about heading back east to get a start on our trip home. After waiting a few hours, there were still no storms initiating at the time. Something changed though. Just as we all lost hope, Devin and Jason came back with an interesting discovery, storms were indeed starting to fire to our west. I guess they had a conversation in the DQ while everyone was out in the van. They came back and basically said we have a few hours yet, they felt good about our position and they wanted to head north some more. They both had a hunch that something was going to happen in our favor.

At that point we headed back out on the road toward North Platte, Nebraska. When we got there we decided to do a few more rounds of go-karts while waiting for the storms to fire. How we ended up by yet another go-kart track is beyond me, but it was there and for 5 dollars a race we couldn't pass up the opportunity. There were 2 tracks, one strictly a racing track, the other a challenge course. The racing track was fun, but the challenge course was much better. It was covered in talcum power and the name of the game was to try not to spin out. We were split up into 2 separate races. Mike, Travis, and Devin were the guinea pigs for the first race. Jason, John, myself, and Matt went second and Jason put the GoPro up on the front of his car the document all the action. As soon Jason pulled out his GoPro fell over so he had to hold it the whole time, but we still had a blast. The course was indeed a challenge and a great way to pass time as we waited for storms to start firing.

As soon as the go-kart shenanigans were over and we saw that storms finally started to initiate, we all piled in the van faster than one could even imagine. The time it took 10 of us to get in that van, and get back on the road was simply incredible. That's what happens when 10 people who are crazy about severe storms knows that something is going to happen, the adrenaline rushes. The van broke into a series of "Wooooos" (It's a van joke).  It took us a total of .2 seconds to get into chase mode. We set out on the road very excited that we finally got a break. We were about to witness the most impressive thing that most of us has ever seen.

This is the route we took to intercept our storm. It was a 3 hour 19 minute, 188 mile drive.

The drive to intercept our storm was one of the most anxious that we had on the entire trip. It was the last chase day of our trip and we hit the jackpot. Just imagine all the emotions and excitement that was cooped up in that 12- passenger van. We were all ready to explode. We worked together so well to get to our storm. I'll leave the excitement build for the next blog post! Keep reading!

Here is the storm we decided to chase. 

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