Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Mid-Atlantic and New England States in the Target for Potential Severe Storm Development Today

The focus for severe weather today looks to extend from the Central Appalachians, through the Northeast, and up through the New England states. Scattered thunderstorms are expected to develop from mid-day through the afternoon hours in this area due to an area of weak boundary-layer convergence.

Mid-level lapse rates will be weak, putting a damper on any extreme instability in the atmosphere this afternoon, but some very rich low-level moisture combined with daytime surface heating shall allow for mid-level CAPE values to reach 1000-1500 J/KG over higher terrain and values of 2000-2500 J/KG along the coastal plain regions.

The storm threat will lessen this evening as night-time surface cooling occurs. Damaging winds and the possibility of hail will be the main threats with these developing storms.

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